Through the candlelight I see you your divine angelic face adorned with a playful smile that betrays your wild streak hidden just under your facade of innocence My eyes linger on your lips and my soul burns to kiss them to move my mouth next to yours to whisper sweet nothings to slightly caress your lips with mine In the darkness the flame flickers I can see it dancing in your eyes a bright sliver of fire reflected in your icy crystal eyes a mere glimmer of the fire in your soul a fire that radiates a heat which warms me Beautiful eyes glowing in the dark eyes which a tear should never touch and everytime a tear falls from those eyes ad rolls down your delicate face I die a little I should have stopped that tear but I did not and I want to say that I'm sorry and fall on my knees to ask for forgiveness for not kissing the tears away for not wrapping you in my arms for not being everything you need The words linger on my tongue through the candlelight I see your face your delicate features never cease to amaze me in your eyes I see that you know that you know everything I want to say and I know it is not necessary my lips open to say them anyway but they not the words I intended carefully planned verses never leave my tongue instead I only manage a faint whisper "I love you" and in our eyes I see that you always knew. by, WPHUNG (Can you feel the love) send any comments my way at © 1998 Smile in the Dark Productions